REA Principal, Carl Kincaid, will speak at the Purdue Road School Conference on March 6th about the award winning Monon Boulevard in Carmel, Indiana. The city of Carmel hired REA to realize an ambitious and progressive goal of connecting the Arts and Design District to the Carmel City Center utilizing the Monon Greenway, which was an existing simple rails-to-trail pathway. The strategic location of the greenway made it the obvious site reimagine a bike-ped corridor that would become an engine of community engagement and economic growth. As the Principal-in-Charge for this complex and highly transformational project, the team will share the challenges and lessons learned.
Carl Kincaid, Rundell Ernstberger and Associates; Jeremy Kashman, City of Carmel; Trent Newport, CrossRoad Engineers
Click here to see a full list of presentations and learn more about the conference.