Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) honored the City of Carmel with a 2019 Community Placemaking Award for its Monon Boulevard & Midtown Plaza project. The project is designed to activate the city’s Midtown area through a Complete Street initiative. The $23 million project aims to invigorate the corridor through multi-modal transportation features with easy access to community gathering spaces and business that line the vehicular-free Boulevard . The Aim Annual Awards program recognizes communities and individuals in municipal government for excellence and outstanding achievement.

“Carmel’s Monon Boulevard project is a strong example of the ripple effects infrastructure investment can have on a community,” Aim CEO Matt Greller said. “The project also proves the strong link between a focus on quality of life and economic development. Connectivity is an important feature of any 21st Century community, and Carmel’s project is a trendsetter.”