REA is active at this year's National Parks & Recreation Association Conference, hosted in our home city of Indianapolis. We hope to see you at our open house or one of the sessions below.

Monday, September 24th
8:00am-3:30pm. What Does $35 million Buy, Bloomington's Park & Trail Transformation // Switchyard Park.
1:00-5:00pm. How Development of a World-Class Cultural Trail Has Affected Indianapolis // Indianapolis Cultural Trail // Kevin Osburn, PLA, ASLA
Tuesday, September 25th
1:00-4:15pm. Cross-Disciplinary Partnerships to Create Healthy, Equitable, Safe and Connected Communities // Carl Kincaid, ASLA
Wednesday, September 26th
5:00-7:00pm. REA Open House & Happy Hour. 618 E. Market Street, Indianapolis.
Thursday, September 27th
1:00-5:00pm, Successful Funding Strategies: (Re)Developing Recreational Space at Minimal Cost to Taxpayers // Kevin Osburn, PLA, ASLA