The landscape and beautification master plan is a framework for the Economic Improvement District to focus its advocacy and funding efforts in the area of placemaking and beautification. Our plan builds upon the 2016 Evansville Downtown Master Plan Update by advancing a vision of Downtown Evansville as an activated, innovative, connected neighborhood. Landscape and beautification enhancements will stimulate the creation of new retail, dining, and residential experiences.
We identified five districts within the downtown and leveraged their unique identities to create specific guidelines for each district: riverfront, historic downtown, medical campus, civic, and NoCo. With the districts characterized, next we created visions for gateways into downtown and underpass treatment plans. We mapped and ranked the downtown street grid for implementation of complete streets with varying levels of service improvements.
We implemented an action plan prioritizing immediate interventions. These interventions include alley activations, tree lighting, audio system installation, placemaking activities, and hiring a Clean and Safe Team. Intermediate goals include mural installations, strengthening the arts program, pocket parks, road diets, and underpass treatments. The plan outlines seven years of possible staged improvements to reinvent the appearance of the city. Ultimately, these efforts will attract the workforce, residents, and businesses needed for Evansville’s continued transformation.