A seven-year master plan that serves as a road map for attracting a new generation of young talent, vitality, and investment through four transformative ideas that revitalize downtown Evansville.
The City of Evansville commissioned our team to complete a new seven year downtown plan that lays out realistic goals to revitalize downtown economically and culturally. We were responsible for the urban design and physical planning recommendations, community outreach, leading the planning charrette, and graphics. The plan builds upon previous planning efforts embracing their goals and values, as well as grassroots, community-wide visioning process — VOICE.
As part of the strategic planning process, a market assessment was conducted to help identify recommendations for public and private investments. Five key market opportunities were identified including residential, retail, office, hospitality and public space.
Out of the research arose four transformative ideas that will influence a new era for a thriving, mixed use downtown that is a regional and national destination. The four transformative ideas include revitalizing Main Street, activating the riverfront, creating a NoCo Makers District, and enhancing public spaces. A thriving Main Street indicates key blocks as an entertainment district to create a cluster of energy to radiate to adjacent blocks. The redesign of 4th and Main Street park as an active gathering space uses complete streets principles to further enhance the public realm.
Our recommendations to improve the Riverfront include outlining areas for mixed use infill development, signature riverfront destinations, calming traffic, increasing safety, and increasing pedestrian amenities. To create visual connections that activate and connect the Riverfront, we propose park enhancements, programming the riverfront, separating pedestrians and vehicles with public amenities and features
The creation of the NOCO Makers District was envisioned as a place to attract both start-ups and established businesses focused on creative pursuits. Improved public spaces through new wayfinding, redesign of Post Office Park, implementing complete streets, and enhancing pedestrian safety and access to increased mobility options while fostering development and investment.