Purdue University, Pao Hall Plaza

We were commissioned to transform a one-block segment of Wood Street into a pedestrian mall and events terrace to serve as both an entrance to Pao Hall and a setting for gatherings.


Purdue University

Project Size:


West Lafayette, IN




Landscape Architecture

In Association With:



Daniel Showalter

A large brick plaza with limestone seatwalls forms the center of the space. From the plaza, walkways weave outward through perennial and ornamental grass beds, lawn panels and shade trees.  

Pao Hall Plaza establishes spatial continuity and transition to the Agriculture Mall to the west and forms the foreground for the ‘Transformation’ Sculpture. Art pedestals throughout the plaza host temporary sculptural exhibits.

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Adjacent to the parking lot, we located gardens to help mitigate stormwater runoff.  A new accessible drop-off provides convenient staff and student access.

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Purdue University, Third Street Greenway Vision Plan

A keystone project identified in Purdue’s Great Leaps Master Plan, Third Street Greenway Vision Plan outlines the transformation of an existing vehicular street into an activated, linear pedestrian and bicycle experience. New pedestrian walkways, a dedicated cycle track, and green infrastructure elements support substantial pedestrian volumes and access to popular destinations along the corridor‍